In locations across the globe, successful business events come and go, but only occasionally do they leave a lasting impact. Have you considered how your next business events can not only communicate—but demonstrate—your organization’s mission and values?
With Destination DC’s Connected Community initiative, organizers planning events in DC can connect directly to partners that align with their event’s messaging or focus. This customized-program initiative works in collaboration with Serve DC, a public organization promoting service across the city with strategic community outreach and engagement. Serve DC connects individuals with meaningful volunteer opportunities and establishes partnerships with community- and faith-based organizations, the private sector, and local and federal government.
Destination DC’s Convention Sales & Services team can meet individually with your event’s planners to develop personally-tailored programs. Some example programs include working with your team to:
• Create volunteer opportunities for your meeting’s attendees.
• Develop a values-focused scholarship for local schools or programs.
• Develop a program to ensure your conference creates zero waste, as well as a case study for other meetings.
• Implement a relevant day of awareness across the city or promote a cause aligning with your organization’s interests.
With this initiative’s support, your meetings held in DC gain the valuable ability to drive impactful social change. Your events also gain the ability to provide attendees with rewarding volunteer opportunities, helping them feel more connected to your organization. An added benefit is it presents grateful organizers with a unique opportunity to give back to their host destination.
As a custom offering, each Connected Community program is unique and not only creates a feel-good, newsworthy story, but also generates exposure for the organization.
Your meeting. Your impact. Your legacy in Washington, DC. Learn more about Destination DC’s Connected Community initiative at: