PCMA APAC Campfire Chat in Sydney

PCMA APAC Webinar: Waste Not, Want Not: Practical Solutions for Preventing Food Waste in Events
Food waste in events can be difficult to prevent but focusing on key problematic menu items and causes of waste is a practical way to achieve reduction goals. In this webinar, Dr. Aurora Dawn Benton will share examples of prevention strategies from a food waste study that recently concluded in the US west coast.

La Inteligencia Artificial no es una amenaza, el competidor que la aproveche sí lo será

¿Es la inteligencia Artificial una amenaza para nuestra industria? A medida que la Inteligencia Artificial comienza a impulsar nuevas oportunidades en la industria, las empresas deben comenzar a pensar cómo construir una estrategia para complementar o potenciar las capacidades existentes. La IA será una de las herramientas que nos ayudará a encontrar diferenciación. ¿Y tú ya la estás usando a tu favor o esperas a que tu competidor lo haga?


APAC Webinar: Unlocking the Power of AI for Events

Meet Your Next Best Meeting Planning Tool: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence technology and tools are now available to the masses. Not just ChatGPT, but Bing, Bard, Claude, Ernie, and more to come in the future.

How are these AI tools going to help you in your event planning? “Unlocking the Power of AI for Event Planning” webinar will unravel what cutting-edge AI tech and tools are all about and introduce you to terms like “GPT” and “LLM” (and what it really means).

May DES Expert Panel Q&A

This is your opportunity to hear from our DES Experts Joshua Butler and Sourabh Kothari and ask the questions you want answered, whether related directly to the course content, or a challenge you may be facing in your own work in the virtual/hybrid events world.


Webinar: Understanding Your Event Audience

What does your event audience care about the most? And how are you delivering that? This critical question can be the difference between failure and success this year, as audiences are choosing which events they travel to very selectively. Do you have the data you need to define your audience correctly?


Orientación socios PCMA 2023

Tu inscripción como socio en PCMA te ha puesto en el camino para llevar tu carrera al siguiente nivel, ¡ahora es momento de sacarle el máximo provecho!. La información que obtendrás en esta sesión de orientación te ayudará a iniciar tu viaje para conocer los beneficios de tu membresía. PCMA es tu puerta de acceso a la información y oportunidades más relevantes de la industria de reuniones.

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