
How to Create Good Sound Design in Open-Air Spaces

Audio engineer Steve Bush takes on identifying sound leakage, controlling Reverberation, and finding the right expert.

BY Michelle Russell May 1, 2015

3 Ways Furniture Can Facilitate Better Networking At Your Meeting

It’s not just about having enough seats in the ballroom. Get a look at how forward-thinking furniture design can help your attendees meet, greet and get business done.

BY David McMillin April 6, 2015

Looking Back: How PCMA Chapter Presidents Moved Their Members Forward in 2017

As 2018 kicks into full gear, the past presidents of PCMA’s chapters reflect on what made 2017 a year to remember.

BY David McMillin February 5, 2015

5 Key Trends That Will Impact Convention Centers In 2015

No matter where you turn in the meetings industry, you’ll find one common characteristic: change. From planners who are rethinking attendee engagement strategies to exhibitors who are redesigning booth spaces to sponsors who are reevaluating where their dollars go, conferences and trade shows are breaking up with tradition.

December 1, 2014

How One Planner Performed Reconstructive Surgery On A Meeting

Planner Tina Squillante took a standard classroom-style medical meeting and, by applying lessons she learned at PCMA Convening Leaders, blew it out of the water. This is how she did it.

BY Barbara Palmer June 4, 2014

4 General Session Sets That Will Get Everyone Talking

Here are four general session sets that leveraged cutting-edge technology and innovative designs to elevate the experiences.

April 7, 2014

How to Protect Your Room Block from Pirates

Pirates, poachers, room block bullies. These companies may be called different names, but every planner can agree that they represent big problems.

October 28, 2013

One on One with Condoleezza Rice

The first woman to serve as U.S. National Security Advisor and the second to serve as U.S. Secretary of State shares her thoughts on why face-to-face experiences — which “cannot be replaced with anything else” — are pivotal to advancing society.

BY Susan Sarfati, CAE June 1, 2013

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