News & Trends

What’s happening — or coming up next — in the meetings and events world and beyond.

Survey Reveals Consumer Concerns About Resuming Travel

Research group Dynata surveyed thousands of travelers in 11 countries, asking them what COVID-19 health and safety procedures would make them feel comfortable enough to resume air travel and hotel stays, among other activities.

BY Curt Wagner July 1, 2020

How CVBs Are Helping Destinations Safely Reopen

As destinations have started to lift stay-at-home orders and businesses are reopening their doors, CVBs are helping to ensure their communities stay safe as they ready to welcome visitors once again.

BY Casey Gale June 28, 2020

Inaugural Black Birders Week Sparks Additional Initiatives

A weeklong digital event created in response to a racist encounter has led to more efforts to expand opportunities for people of color in the conservation field.

BY Michelle Russell June 26, 2020

Social Distancing Solution: Wristbands Do the Talking for Attendees

When face-to-face events return, some attendees will still want to shake hands; others will want a six-foot bubble around them. Here’s a way for everyone to convey their preferences without creating awkward moments.

BY David McMillin June 25, 2020

Lack of Standardization at Event Venues in the Time of COVID: A Good Thing?

As the events industry eagerly looks forward to the possibility of bringing small groups together face to face, initiatives around safety and hygiene at event venues are proliferating. And perhaps the lack of uniformity is okay, as long as the standards are consistently high.

BY Michelle Russell June 25, 2020

America’s Best Small Cities List Takes on New Meaning During Pandemic

Resonance Consultancy’s annual list was compiled using data gathered prior to the pandemic but could provide insights for planners seeking destinations with a smaller footprint to accommodate attendees in the wake of COVID-19.

BY Convene Editors June 23, 2020

What to Charge Exhibitors for Digital Events?

Recommendations from the PCMA Catalyst community include what some organizers have found to be the sweet spot for exhibitor pricing, how to add year-round value to sponsors, and ways to get attendees to engage with exhibitors online.

BY Convene Editors June 23, 2020

DI House Band’s Return Engagement

Music videos performed by musicians in their homes have uplifted people the world over during the pandemic — why shouldn’t destination professionals and event organizers have a music video that they can call their own?

BY Michelle Russell June 23, 2020

8 Marketing Lessons Learned From Taking Events Online

The shift to digital sweeping the meetings industry in response to the COVID-19 pandemic has shown that virtual events require a different marketing approach than live events. Here’s what the last four months have taught the industry.

BY Kimberly Hardcastle-Geddes June 22, 2020

Planners and Suppliers Revise Revenue Loss Expectations

As the pandemic wears on, planners and suppliers are more clear-eyed about its economic repercussions — but still uncertain of how to best plan for events in 2021.

BY Convene Editors June 22, 2020

When Being Agile Means Saving Lives — and Jobs

The Trade Show Group quickly shifted from creating trade-show booths to manufacturing safety equipment for health-care workers during the pandemic.

BY Barbara Palmer June 22, 2020

U.K. Destination Leaders Reflect on Coming Back Stronger

In a roundtable conversation hosted by VisitBritain, U.K. destination leaders discussed what they’ll need to do to bring business back once the COVID-19 crisis has abated.

BY Casey Gale June 22, 2020

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