Places & Spaces
How Our Relationship with Public Spaces Changed During the Pandemic
Indoor and outdoor public spaces have become only more valuable to us after the pandemic — and flexibility in both environments has become more critical. Two experts share why.
More Contactless Technology in Hospitality — But More Social Interaction
Three hospitality executives share short- and long-term views of what is happening next for hotels.
Meetings and Your Brain: How Physical Spaces Change How We Pay Attention
Changes in physical space, not just ideas or images, help determine how much attention our brains pay to new information.
On Site in Baltimore, Where Past and Present Meet
Ahead of Destinations International’s annual conference in July, Convene Managing Editor Jennifer N. Dienst participated in a media trip, walking where American history took place and learning how to pick crabs like a local.
DMO Launches Comic Series Via Streaming Services
‘Life’s Rewards,’ an eight-episode comedy program co-produced by the St. Petersburg/Clearwater DMO, gives the destination major screen time — and provides a case-study example of a new CVB business model spurred by the pandemic.
Add Air Quality to Your Event Site-Selection Checklist
Paying attention to a building’s ventilation system is important in managing the next phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to experts.
Why Air Quality Must Be Part of Venues’ Hygiene Protocol
The emphasis on cleaning and disinfecting venues in the age of COVID-19 is missing a larger point: Reliably healthy and safe environments depend on clean air and a more holistic approach.
Four Battered Hotel Chains Still Make Fortune’s Best Companies to Work For List
Despite a year like none other for the hospitality industry, Hilton, Marriott, Hyatt, and Kimpton were ranked in the top 17 percent of the annual 100 Best Companies to Work For List.
Virtual ‘Field Trips’ to Bring City to Meetings’ Participants
Two online events are making Richmond, Virginia, central to their education — and diversity and inclusion — programs.
Helping Attendees Experience a Destination Digitally
Austin had been a big draw for 2020 American College of Toxicology’s annual meeting registrants. Organizers needed to figure out a way to bring as much of the destination as possible to an entirely online audience.
Walk/Bike/Places Brings Online Attendees ‘Outdoors’
Here’s how an annual conference for placemaking professionals tweaked its mobile workshops to give virtual tours of its host city.
A Master Class in Art and Public Safety
Traveling exhibition turns ballroom at America’s Center Convention Complex in St. Louis into a Michelangelo gallery with nearly life-sized recreations of his Sistine Chapel paintings.